.. _pinout-chart: ================================================================================ ODrive v3.x Pinout ================================================================================ .. contents:: :depth: 1 :local: .. ODrive v4.1 .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. **TODO** .. ODrive v3.x .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. csv-table:: Pinout Table :file: figures/pinout.csv :header-rows: 1 **key:** * **(*)** ODrive v3.5 and later. * **(+)** On ODrive v3.5 and later these pins have noise suppression filters. This is useful for step/dir input. Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Changes to the pin configuration only take effect after :code:`odrv0.save_configuration()` and :code:`odrv0.reboot()` * **Bold font** marks the default configuration. * If a GPIO is set to an unsupported mode it will be left uninitialized. * When setting a GPIO to a special purpose mode (e.g. :code:`GPIO_MODE_UART_A`) you must also enable the corresponding feature (e.g. :code:`.config.enable_uart_a`). * Digital mode is a general purpose mode that can be used for these functions: step, dir, enable, encoder index, hall effect encoder, SPI encoder nCS. * You must also connect GND between ODrive and your other board. * ODrive v3.3 and onward have 5V tolerant GPIO pins. * Simultaneous operation of UART_A and UART_B is currently not supported.