ODrive API Reference

class ODrive

Toplevel interface of your ODrive.

The odrv0, odrv1, … objects that appear in odrivetool implement this toplevel interface.

test_function(delta) int

delta (int) –

get_adc_voltage(gpio) float

Reads the ADC voltage of the specified GPIO. The GPIO should be in GpioMode.ANALOG_IN.


gpio (int) –

save_configuration() bool

Resets all config variables to their default values and reboots the controller


Reboots the controller without saving the current configuration

The request is ignored if the axis is not in IDLE.


Enters the Device Firmware Update mode provided by the MCU manufacturer (DFU-over-USB)

enter_dfu_mode2() bool


Enters the ODrive Device Firmware Update mode (DFU-over-CAN).

The bootloader, when first started, will set itself as the primary startup target and write-protect its own flash sectors.

Therefore, after calling this function, older firmware (0.6.4 and older) can no longer be installed / booted on the device. This can be reversed by calling disable_bootloader().

Returns false if the ODrive bootloader is not installed.

disable_bootloader() bool


Disables the bootloader.

This unprotects the flash sectors containing the bootloader and causes the device to start the main firmware (rather than the bootloader) on startup.

The bootloader can be re-activated by calling enter_dfu_mode2().

Calling this function is necessary before downgrading to an older firmware version that was not yet compatible with the bootloader.

get_interrupt_status(irqn) int

Returns information about the specified interrupt number.


irqn (int) – -12…-1: processor interrupts, 0…239: NVIC interrupts

get_dma_status(stream_num) int

Returns information about the specified DMA stream.


stream_num (int) – 0…7: DMA1 streams, 8…15: DMA2 streams

get_gpio_states() int

Returns the logic states of all GPIOs. Bit i represents the state of GPIOi.

set_gpio(num, status) bool


Sets the state of the specified GPIO.

get_drv_fault() int

Clears disarm_reason and procedure_result and re-arms the brake resistor if applicable

get_raw_8(address) int



address (int) –

get_raw(address) int

address (int) –

get_raw_32(address) int



address (int) –

get_raw_256(address) tuple[int, int, int, int]



address (int) –

vbus_voltage: [Volt] - Float32Property

Voltage on the DC bus as measured by the ODrive.

ibus: [Amp] - Float32Property

Current on the DC bus as calculated by the ODrive.

A positive value means that the ODrive is consuming power from the power supply, a negative value means that the ODrive is sourcing power to the power supply.

This value is equal to the sum of the motor currents and the brake resistor currents. The motor currents are measured, the brake resistor current is calculated based on config.brake_resistor0.resistance.

ibus_report_filter_k: [1/s] - Float32Property

Filter gain for the reported ibus. Set to a value below 1.0 to get a smoother line when plotting ibus. Set to 1.0 to disable. This filter is only applied to the reported value and not for internal calculations.

control_loop_hz: [Hz] - Uint32Property
serial_number: Uint64Property

Integer representation of the serial number of the device

The actual serial number as shown by most tools (GUI, odrivetool, etc) is the 12-digit hexadecimal representation of this number.

For example in Python / odrivetool, it can be obtained with:


hw_version_major: Uint8Property
hw_version_minor: Uint8Property
hw_version_variant: Uint8Property
hw_version_revision: Uint8Property
fw_version_major: Uint8Property
fw_version_minor: Uint8Property
fw_version_revision: Uint8Property
commit_hash: Uint32Property
fw_version_unreleased: Uint8Property

0 for official releases, 1 otherwise

bootloader_version: Uint32Property

ODrive bootloader version.

The version is represented as (major << 24) | (minor << 16) | (patch << 8). For example 0x01020300 means version 1.2.3.

If the ODrive bootloader is not installed, this returns 0.

n_evt_sampling: Uint32Property

Number of input sampling events since startup (modulo 2^32)

n_evt_control_loop: Uint32Property

Number of control loop iterations since startup (modulo 2^32)

task_timers_armed: BoolProperty

Set by a profiling application to trigger sampling of a single control iteration. Cleared by the device as soon as the sampling is complete.

task_times: ODrive.TaskTimes
system_stats: ODrive.SystemStats
user_config_loaded: Uint32Property
misconfigured: BoolProperty

If this property is true, something is bad in the configuration. The ODrive can still be used in this state but the user should investigate which setting is problematic. This variable does not cover all misconfigurations.

Possible causes:
  • A GPIO was set to a mode that it doesn’t support

  • A GPIO was set to a mode for which the corresponding feature was not enabled. Example: GpioMode.UART_A was used without enabling config.enable_uart_a.

  • A feature was enabled which is not supported on this hardware. Example: config.enable_uart_c set to true on ODrive v3.x.

  • A GPIO was used as an interrupt input for two internal components or two GPIOs that are mutually exclusive in their interrupt capability were both used as interrupt input. Example: config.step_gpio_pin of both axes were set to the same GPIO.

oscilloscope: ODrive.Oscilloscope
debug: ODrive.Debug

Diagnostics features. Not intended for use by end users.

can: ODrive.Can
test_property: Uint32Property
identify: BoolProperty

Flashes the status LED when enabled.

This is intended to help identify a particular ODrive in a setup with multiple devices.

reboot_required: BoolProperty

Can be used by support software to indicate that a reboot is required.

issues: ODrive.Issues


auth: ODrive.Auth
class ODrive.TaskTimes
sampling: ODrive.TaskTimer
encoder_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
control_loop_misc: ODrive.TaskTimer
control_loop_checks: ODrive.TaskTimer
current_sense_wait: ODrive.TaskTimer
dc_calib_wait: ODrive.TaskTimer
class ODrive.SystemStats
uptime: Uint32Property
min_heap_space: Uint32Property
max_stack_usage_axis: Uint32Property
max_stack_usage_comms: Uint32Property
max_stack_usage_uart: Uint32Property
max_stack_usage_startup: Uint32Property
stack_size_axis: Uint32Property
stack_size_comms: Uint32Property
stack_size_uart: Uint32Property
stack_size_startup: Uint32Property
prio_axis: Int32Property
prio_comms: Int32Property
prio_uart: Int32Property
prio_startup: Int32Property
usb: ODrive.SystemStats.Usb
i2c: ODrive.SystemStats.I2C
class ODrive.Issues
get(index) tuple[int, int, int, int]

index (int) –

length: Uint32Property
class ODrive.Auth
get_pub_key1() tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]
get_cert1(part) tuple[int, int, int, int]

part (int) –

auth1(p0, p1, p2, p3) tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]
class ODrive.HistogramLogger
get_stats() tuple[int, float, float]
get_sum(begin, end) int
  • begin (int) –

  • end (int) –

get_vals8(index) tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]

index (int) –

class ODrive.CircularLog
get_vals8(index) tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]

index (int) –

size: Uint32Property
class ODrive.Config
enable_uart_a: BoolProperty

Enables/disables UART_A.

You also need to set the corresponding GPIOs to GpioMode.UART_A. Refer to the UART Interface page to see which pins support UART_A. Changing this requires a reboot.

uart_a_baudrate: [baud/s] - Uint32Property

Defines the baudrate used on the UART interface.

Some baudrates will have a small timing error due to hardware limitations.

Here’s an (incomplete) list of baudrates for ODrive v3.x:



Error [%]

1.2 KBps

1.2 KBps


2.4 KBps

2.4 KBps


9.6 KBps

9.6 KBps


19.2 KBps

19.195 KBps


38.4 KBps

38.391 KBps


57.6 KBps

57.613 KBps


115.2 KBps

115.068 KBps


230.4 KBps

230.769 KBps


460.8 KBps

461.538 KBps


921.6 KBps

913.043 KBps


1.792 MBps

1.826 MBps


1.8432 MBps

1.826 MBps


For more information refer to Section 30.3.4 and Table 142 (the column with f_PCLK = 42 MHz) in the STM datasheet.

usb_cdc_protocol: Property[ODrive.StreamProtocolType]

The protocol that’s being run on the device’s virtual COM port on USB. Note that the ODrive has two independent interfaces on USB: One is the virtual COM port (affected by this option) and the other one is a vendor specific interface which always runs Fibre. So changing this option does not affect the working of odrivetool.

uart0_protocol: Property[ODrive.StreamProtocolType]
max_regen_current: [Amp] - Float32Property

The bus current allowed to flow back to the power supply before the brake resistor module will start shunting current.

dc_bus_undervoltage_trip_level: [Volt] - Float32Property

Minimum voltage below which the motor stops operating.

This parameter defaults and is limited to the board’s minimum operating voltage.

More info: Trip Levels

dc_bus_overvoltage_trip_level: [Volt] - Float32Property

Maximum DC bus voltage above which the motor stops operating.

This protects against cases in which the power supply fails to dissipate the brake power if the brake resistor is disabled.

This parameter defaults and is limited to the board’s maximum operating voltage.

On the ODrive S1, this parameter also influences the internal motor current limit, see ODrive S1 Datasheet.

On some revisions of ODrive S1, the board’s maximum operating voltage depends on config.brake_resistor0.enable. Refer to the specifications of your device for details.

More info: Trip Levels

dc_max_positive_current: [Amp] - Float32Property

Max current the power supply can source.

More info: Trip Levels

dc_max_negative_current: [Amp] - Float32Property

Max current the power supply can sink.

This is the amount of current allowed to flow back into the power supply. The convention is that it is negative. By default, it is set to a conservative value of 10mA. If you are using a brake resistor and getting DC_BUS_OVER_REGEN_CURRENT errors, raise it slightly. If you are not using a brake resistor and you intend to send braking current back to the power supply, set this to a safe level for your power source. Note that in that case, it should be higher than your motor current limit + current limit margin.

Set to -INFINITY to disable.

More info: Trip Levels

user_config_0: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_1: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_2: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_3: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_4: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_5: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_6: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

user_config_7: Uint32Property

General purpose user storage

See User Storage.

class ODrive.Can
error: Property[ODrive.Can.Error]
n_restarts: Uint32Property

Counter for “bus-off” events

See also Bus-off handling.

If the ODrive is in addressed state and has heartbeats enabled but there’s nothing else on the CAN bus, this counter is expected to increment at a fairly high rate. If the ODrive is on a well-behaved CAN bus, it should not increment.

n_rx: Uint32Property
config: ODrive.Can.Config
class ODrive.Endpoint
endpoint: EndpointRefProperty
min: Float32Property
max: Float32Property
class ODrive.Axis

Feed the watchdog to prevent watchdog timeouts.

set_abs_pos(pos) float

Set the absolute position of the axis.

DEPRECATED: write to pos_estimate instead.

Returns the distance by which the reference was shifted. Add this to the previous position on any off-board controllers to effect an impulse free change of reference.


pos (float) –

active_errors: Property[ODrive.Error]

Indicates the current error condition(s) of the axis. Each error flag clears automatically when the error condition goes away. If an attempt is made to activate the axis while an error is present, the axis immediately disarms and disarm_reason is updated accordingly.

disarm_reason: Property[ODrive.Error]

This value is updated every time the axis disarms and indicates the reason why the axis was disarmed. It can be cleared using clear_errors(). This variable is used for reporting only. It affects the status LED and the ERROR pin output but it does not prevent the axis from getting re-armed upon user request.

step_dir_active: BoolProperty
last_drv_fault: Uint32Property
steps: Int64Property

The current commanded position, in steps, while in step_dir mode

current_state: Property[ODrive.Axis.AxisState]

The current state of the axis

requested_state: Property[ODrive.Axis.AxisState]

The user’s commanded axis state

This is used to command the axis to change state or perform certain routines. Values input here will be “consumed” and queued by the state machine handler. Thus, reading this value back will usually show AxisState.UNDEFINED (0).

pos_estimate: Float32Property

Position estimate of the axis

This estimate is based on the configured load encoder.

All position setpoints are interpreted with respect to this position estimate.

With the default configuration, the origin (the position 0.0) corresponds to the physical startup position. For other options, see Position Reference Frame.

The scale is equal to the load encoder scale, so when the load encoder moves by one turn, this estimate moves by 1.0.

A value of NaN indicates that the encoder is not yet configured, not readable, or, when using an absolute reference frame, that the reference frame has not yet been initialized (e.g. axis is not yet homed).

The position estimate can be shifted by writing to this variable (see Custom User Reference Frame). Writing to this variable will set absolute_setpoints to true and shift input_pos and pos_setpoint accordingly, such that there is no impulse on the physical axis.

vel_estimate: Float32Property

Velocity estimate of the axis

By default, this estimate is based on the configured load encoder.

All velocity setpoints are interpreted with respect to this velocity estimate.

In some cases (for example in a dual-encoder setup where the load encoder sits behind a gearbox with backlash) it is more suitable to use the commutation encoder for velocity estimation. To do this, set use_commutation_vel to True and configure commutation_vel_scale.

is_homed: BoolProperty

Whether or not the axis has been successfully homed.

config: ODrive.Axis.Config
motor: ODrive.Motor
controller: ODrive.Controller
trap_traj: ODrive.TrapezoidalTrajectory
min_endstop: ODrive.SwitchInput
max_endstop: ODrive.SwitchInput
enable_pin: ODrive.SwitchInput
mechanical_brake: ODrive.MechanicalBrake
pos_vel_mapper: ODrive.Mapper
commutation_mapper: ODrive.Mapper
interpolator: ODrive.Interpolator
task_times: ODrive.Axis.TaskTimes
procedure_result: Property[ODrive.ProcedureResult]
disarm_time: Float32Property
is_armed: BoolProperty
observed_encoder_scale_factor: Float32Property

Ratio between the encoder-to-motor scale observed during AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION and the configured encoder-to-motor scale.

This value is updated at the end of AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION if the result is either SUCCESS or POLE_PAIR_CPR_MISMATCH. This can be useful to debug configuration problems.

The value is approximately:

  • When using an incremental encoder for commutation:

    observed_encoder_scale_factor = true_pole_pairs / true_cpr * inc_encoder.config.cpr / config.motor.pole_pairs

  • When using any other encoder for commutation.

    observed_encoder_scale_factor = true_pole_pairs / config.motor.pole_pairs

When correctly configured, the value is close to 1.0.


The measurement is not exact, so always consult the Motor/Encoder specs before applying the observed result.

class ODrive.AnticoggingConfig

The variables prefixed with calib_ affect only the calibration procedure. Changes to those variables take effect on the next start of AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION (if a calibration is already ongoing, it is not affected by such changes).

Changes to all other variables take effect immediately (regardless of axis state).

set_map(idx, val)
get_map(idx) float

idx (int) –

enabled: BoolProperty

Enables/disables the anticogging feedforward term.

If AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION has not been run yet, enabling this has no effect. This variable does not affect AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION. Changes to this variable take effect immediately.

max_torque: [A] - Float32Property

Maximum torque action that anticogging is allowed to exert.

This limit is honored during both AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION and normal operation. Changes to this variable take effect immediately, however if this value was too low during calibration, then the calibration must be repeated.

calib_start_vel: [rev/s] - Float32Property

Start velocity of AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION.

Lower values usually yield better calibration accuracy, however the value must be high enough that the motor doesn’t ever come to a stop, even momentarily. This is to avoid any static friction. Furthermore if this value is too high you may get a CONTROL_DEADLINE_MISSED error.

calib_end_vel: [rev/s] - Float32Property

End velocity of AxisState.ANTICOGGING_CALIBRATION.

Lower values usually yield better calibration accuracy, however the value must be high enough that the motor doesn’t ever come to a stop, even momentarily. This is to avoid any static friction.

calib_coarse_tuning_duration: [s] - Float32Property

Duration of the coarse tuning (ramp down) phase.

calib_fine_tuning_duration: [s] - Float32Property

Duration of the fine tuning phase.

calib_fine_dist_scale: Float32Property
calib_coarse_integrator_gain: [(Nm/s)/(rev/s)] - Float32Property

Integrator gain at the start of anticogging calibration.

calib_bidirectional: BoolProperty

Whether to run the calibration in both directions

When true (default), the calibration runs in both directions. When false, the calibration only runs in the direction specified by the sign of calib_start_vel and calib_end_vel. When the motor is known to move in a single direction only during operation, running the calibration in that direction only can yield better results.

class ODrive.BrakeResistor
current_meas: Float32Property
current_meas_status: Uint32Property
duty: Float32Property
additional_duty: Float32Property


Additional duty cycle to add, on top of the value that is based on motor current and DC voltage.

current: [Amp] - Float32Property

Calculated current dumped into the brake resistor.

This value is not measured but calculated based the configured brake resistance. It is therefore only reliable if the actual brake resistance matches the configured brake resistance.

In the future this might take into account feedback from current_meas.

chopper_temp: Float32Property

Estimate of the brake resistor chopper temperature.

is_armed: BoolProperty
was_saturated: BoolProperty

Indicates if the brake resistor reached saturation. This flag is latching and needs to be reset by the client before it can indicate another saturation event.

class ODrive.BrakeResistorConfig
enable: BoolProperty

Enable/disable the use of a brake resistor.

Setting this to False even though a brake resistor is connected is harmless. Setting this to True even though no brake resistor is connected can break the power supply. Changes to this value require a reboot to take effect.

Setting this to true reduces the maximum value for config.dc_bus_overvoltage_trip_level on some revisions of ODrive S1. Refer to the specifications of your device for details.

resistance: [Ohm] - Float32Property

Value of the brake resistor connected to the ODrive.

Note that there may be some extra resistance in your wiring and in the screw terminals, so if you are getting issues while braking you may want to increase this parameter by around 0.05 ohm.

If you set this to a lower value than the true brake resistance then the ODrive will not meed the max_regen_current constraint during braking, that is it will sink more than max_regen_current into the power supply. Some power supplies don’t like this. If you set this to a higher value than the true brake resistance then the ODrive will unnecessarily burn more power than required during braking.

enable_dc_bus_voltage_feedback: BoolProperty

Enables the DC bus voltage feedback brake resistor feature.

If enabled, if the measured DC voltage exceeds dc_bus_voltage_feedback_ramp_start, the ODrive will sink additional power into the the brake resistor to bring or hold the voltage down.

The brake duty cycle is increased by the following amount:
  • This feature is active even when all motors are disarmed.

  • This feature is disabled if resistance is not a positive value.

dc_bus_voltage_feedback_ramp_start: Float32Property

See enable_dc_bus_voltage_feedback.

Do not set this lower than your usual ODrive.vbus_voltage,

dc_bus_voltage_feedback_ramp_end: Float32Property

See enable_dc_bus_voltage_feedback.

Must be larger than dc_bus_voltage_feedback_ramp_start, otherwise the ramp feature is disabled.

class ODrive.Motor
alpha_beta_controller: ODrive.AlphaBetaFrameController
foc: ODrive.FieldOrientedController
fet_thermistor: ODrive.OnboardThermalCurrentLimiter
motor_thermistor: ODrive.OffboardThermistorCurrentLimiter
acim_estimator: ODrive.AcimEstimator
sensorless_estimator: ODrive.SensorlessEstimator
torque_estimate: [Nm] - Float32Property

Motor torque from measured current and config.motor.torque_constant. This value is filtered using <axis>.config.motor.power_torque_report_filter_bandwidth.

mechanical_power: [W] - Float32Property

Motor mechanical power (torque * speed)

This value is filtered using <axis>.config.motor.power_torque_report_filter_bandwidth.

electrical_power: [W] - Float32Property

Motor electrical power (modulation * voltage * current)

This value is filtered using <axis>.config.motor.power_torque_report_filter_bandwidth.

loss_power: [W] - Float32Property

Estimated power loss in the inverter and motor

Equal to electrical_power - mechanical_power. This value is filtered using <axis>.config.motor.power_torque_report_filter_bandwidth.

effective_current_lim: [Amp] - Float32Property

This value is the internally-limited value of phase current allowed according and is the minimum of the following:

  • config.motor.current_soft_max, optionally derated based on motor temperature.

  • config.inverter0.current_soft_max, optionally derated based on ODrive power stage temperature.

  • Maximum measurable current range

resistance_calibration_I_beta: Float32Property
input_id: [Amp] - Float32Property

Feedforward term for d-axis current. If ACIM autoflux is enabled, this parameter has no effect.

input_iq: [Amp] - Float32Property

Feedforward term for q-axis current.

dc_calib: ODrive.Motor.DcCalib

Inverter DC calibration diagnostics

This is for diagnostics only and not for end user use.

class ODrive.Mapper
set_abs_pos(pos) float

Sets the absolute position of the Mapper.

This is a low level function for testing purposes. The controller setpoints are not shifted accordingly. To safely override the position estimate of the the axis, write to pos_estimate instead.


pos (float) –

status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
pos_rel: Float32Property

Relative position since startup in turns. On the commutation_mapper this wraps around such that it’s always in [0, 1). On the pos_vel_mapper this wraps around if and only if <axis>.controller.config.circular_setpoints is set.

pos_abs: Float32Property

Absolute position. On pos_vel_mapper this is only available if the axis is homed.

vel: Float32Property
working_offset: Float32Property

For diagnostics only

n_index_events: Uint32Property

Counter for the number of index events or set_abs_pos() calls

Can be reset by the application by writing 0.

config: ODrive.Mapper.Config
class ODrive.OnboardEncoder
get_field_strength() float

The measurement is a very rough estimate, discretized into 9 values:

<26mT (indicated as 0), 30mT, 45mT, 60mT, 74mT, 88mT, 102mT, 116mT, >120mT (indicated as inf)

Position readings on this encoder will be stopped for roughly 100ms when this function is called.

This is intended for development / end-of-line testing / diagnostics only. The function uses five NVM write cycles on the encoder, which is rated for only 1000 write cycles. Therefore this should not be used during regular operation.

Gives a rough estimate on the magnetic field strength at the encoder in Tesla.

status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
raw: Float32Property
class ODrive.Rs485Encoder
status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
raw: Float32Property
raw32: Uint32Property

Raw encoder angle with unrolled turn count in a 16.16 fixed point format.

config: ODrive.Rs485Encoder.Config
class ODrive.IncrementalEncoder
status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
pos_min: Float32Property
pos_max: Float32Property
pos_residual: Float32Property
raw: Uint16Property
config: ODrive.IncrementalEncoder.Config
class ODrive.HallEncoder
status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
hall_cnt: Uint8Property
raw_hall_state: Uint8Property
abs_pos_min: Float32Property
abs_pos_max: Float32Property
config: ODrive.HallEncoder.Config
class ODrive.SpiEncoder
get_field_strength() float

The unit depends on the encoder mode.

SpiEncoderMode.TLE: scale from 0…1023. This is a copy of the value MAG from the D_MAG register. See TLE5012B user manual for reference. Returns NAN in case of a communication error (e.g. encoder disconnected).

All other encoders: Not implemented. Returns NAN.

Gives a rough estimate on the magnetic field strength at the encoder.

status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
raw: Float32Property
warning: BoolProperty

Warning state of this encoder.

Currently only valid for BiSS-C encoders. Contains warning bit from last BiSS-C transfer.

n_errors: Uint32Property

Number of error events of this encoder.

Wraps around to zero at 2^32-1.

Possible error events:
  • Transfer took too long.

  • Encoder reported an error (currently only applicable to SpiEncoderMode.AMS).

inject_errors: BoolProperty

Deliberately injects occasional communication errors. For testing only.

config: ODrive.SpiEncoder.Config
class ODrive.EncoderEstimator
status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
pos_estimate: Float32Property
vel_estimate: Float32Property
class ODrive.Interpolator
status: Property[ODrive.ComponentStatus]
interpolation: Float32Property
config: ODrive.Interpolator.Config
class ODrive.OnboardThermalCurrentLimiter

See Temperature Regulation for details.

temperature: [Celsius] - Float32Property
class ODrive.OffboardThermistorCurrentLimiter

See Temperature Regulation for details.

temperature: [Celsius] - Float32Property
config: ODrive.OffboardThermistorCurrentLimiter.Config
class ODrive.AlphaBetaFrameController
current_meas_phA: Float32Property
current_meas_phB: Float32Property
current_meas_phC: Float32Property
current_meas_status_phA: Uint32Property
current_meas_status_phB: Uint32Property
current_meas_status_phC: Uint32Property
I_bus: [Amp] - Float32Property

The current in the ODrive DC bus. This is also the current seen by the power supply in most systems.

Ialpha_measured: Float32Property
Ibeta_measured: Float32Property
max_measurable_current: [Amp] - Float32Property

Indicates the maximum current that can be measured by the current sensors in the current hardware configuration. This value depends on <axis>.config.motor.current_hard_max and config.inverterN.current_hard_max.

power: [Watt] - Float32Property

DEPRECATED: Use <axis>.motor.electrical_power. The electrical power being delivered to the motor.

n_evt_current_measurement: Uint32Property

Number of current measurement events since startup (modulo 2^32)

n_evt_pwm_update: Uint32Property

Number of PWM update events since startup (modulo 2^32)

class ODrive.FieldOrientedController
p_gain: Float32Property
i_gain: Float32Property
I_measured_report_filter_k: Float32Property
Id_setpoint: Float32Property
Iq_setpoint: Float32Property
Vd_setpoint: Float32Property
Vq_setpoint: Float32Property
phase: Float32Property
phase_vel: Float32Property
Id_measured: [Amp] - Float32Property

The phase current measured along the “d” axis in the FOC control loop.

This should be close to 0 for typical surface permanent magnet motors.

Iq_measured: [Amp] - Float32Property

The phase current measured along the “q” axis in the FOC control loop.

This is the torque-generating current, so motor torque is approx. torque_constant * Iq_measured

v_current_control_integral_d: Float32Property
v_current_control_integral_q: Float32Property
mod_d: Float32Property
mod_q: Float32Property
final_v_alpha: Float32Property
final_v_beta: Float32Property
class ODrive.Oscilloscope
config(addr0, addr1, addr2, addr3, addr4, addr5, addr6, addr7, addr8)
  • addr0 (int) –

  • addr1 (int) –

  • addr2 (int) –

  • addr3 (int) –

  • addr4 (int) –

  • addr5 (int) –

  • addr6 (int) –

  • addr7 (int) –

  • addr8 (int) –


trigger_point (float) –



get_raw(offset) tuple[int, int, int, int]

offset (int) –

size: Uint32Property
pos: Uint32Property
rollover: BoolProperty
recording: BoolProperty
class ODrive.Debug

us (int) –

hal_ticks: Uint32Property
class ODrive.AcimEstimator
rotor_flux: [Amp] - Float32Property

estimated magnitude of the rotor flux

slip_vel: [Hz] - Float32Property

estimated slip between physical and electrical angular velocity}

phase_offset: [cycles] - Float32Property

estimate offset between physical and electrical angular position}

stator_phase_vel: [Hz] - Float32Property

calculated setpoint for the electrical velocity}

stator_phase: [cycles] - Float32Property

calculated setpoint for the electrical phase}

class ODrive.Controller
move_incremental(displacement, from_input_pos)

Moves the axes’ goal point by a specified increment.

  • displacement (float) – The desired position change.

  • from_input_pos (bool) – If true, the increment is applied relative to input_pos. If false, the increment is applied relative to pos_setpoint, which usually corresponds roughly to the current position of the axis.

input_pos: [rev] - Float32Property

Set the desired position of the axis. Only valid in ControlMode.POSITION_CONTROL. In InputMode.TUNING, this acts as a DC offset for the position sine wave.

input_vel: [rev/s] - Float32Property

In ControlMode.VELOCITY_CONTROL, sets the desired velocity of the axis. In ControlMode.POSITION_CONTROL, sets the feed-forward velocity of the velocity controller In InputMode.TUNING, this acts as a DC offset for the velocity sine wave.

input_torque: [Nm] - Float32Property

In ControlMode.TORQUE_CONTROL, sets the desired output torque of the axis. In ControlMode.VELOCITY_CONTROL and ControlMode.POSITION_CONTROL, sets the feed-forward torque of the torque controller. In InputMode.TUNING, this acts as a DC offset for the torque sine wave.

pos_setpoint: [rev] - Float32Property

The position reference actually being used by the position controller. This is the same as input_pos in InputMode.PASSTHROUGH, but may vary according to InputMode.

vel_setpoint: [rev/s] - Float32Property

The velocity reference actually being used by the velocity controller. This is the same as input_vel in InputMode.PASSTHROUGH, but may vary according to InputMode.

torque_setpoint: [Nm] - Float32Property

The torque reference actually being used by the torque controller. This is the same as input_torque in InputMode.PASSTHROUGH, but may vary according to InputMode.

effective_torque_setpoint: [Nm] - Float32Property

The torque output generated by the controller and fed to the motor model.

trajectory_done: BoolProperty

Indicates the last commanded Trapezoidal Trajectory movement is complete.

vel_integrator_torque: [Nm] - Float32Property

The accumulated value of the velocity loop integrator

autotuning_phase: [rad] - Float32Property

The current phase angle of the InputMode.TUNING sine wave generator

config: ODrive.Controller.Config
autotuning: ODrive.Controller.Autotuning
spinout_mechanical_power: [Watt] - Float32Property

Mechanical power estimate. Torque * velocity

spinout_electrical_power: [Watt] - Float32Property

Electrical power estimate. Vdq*Idq

class ODrive.SensorlessEstimator
phase: [rad] - Float32Property
pll_pos: [rad] - Float32Property
phase_vel: [rad/s] - Float32Property
class ODrive.TrapezoidalTrajectory
config: ODrive.TrapezoidalTrajectory.Config
class ODrive.SwitchInput
state: BoolProperty
config: ODrive.SwitchInput.Config

All configuration changes in this class take effect immediately without reboot, regardless of axis state.

class ODrive.MechanicalBrake

This function engages the mechanical brake if one is present and enabled.


This function releases the mechanical brake if one is present and enabled.

config: ODrive.MechanicalBrake.Config
class ODrive.TaskTimer
start_time: Uint32Property
end_time: Uint32Property
length: Uint32Property
max_length: Uint32Property
class ODrive.InverterConfig
current_soft_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

Maximum commanded current allowed for this inverter. See also motor.current_soft_max.

Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

current_hard_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

Maximum measured current allowed for this inverter. Any measurement above current_hard_max will throw a CURRENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION error. See also motor.current_hard_max.

Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

temp_limit_lower: Float32Property

The lower limit when the controller starts limiting current. Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

temp_limit_upper: Float32Property

The upper limit when current limit reaches 0 Amps and an over temperature error is triggered. Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

mod_magn_max: Float32Property

Maximum modulation depth

sqrt(3)/2 corresponds to an ideal inverter. Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

shunt_conductance: Float32Property

Set this to 1.0 / R_shunt if you have modified the shunt resistors. Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

drv_config: Uint64Property

Do not modify unless you know what you’re doing. Writes to this parameter are ignored unless in developer mode.

class ODrive.GpioMode
DIGITAL = 0 (0x0)

The pin can be used for one or more of these functions: Step, dir, enable, encoder index, hall effect encoder, SPI encoder nCS (this one is exclusive).


Same as DIGITAL but with the internal pull-up resistor enabled.


Same as DIGITAL but with the internal pull-down resistor enabled.

ANALOG_IN = 3 (0x3)

The pin can be used for one or more of these functions: Sin/cos encoders, analog input, get_adc_voltage().

UART_A = 4 (0x4)

See config.enable_uart_a.

UART_B = 5 (0x5)

This mode is not supported on ODrive v3.x.

UART_C = 6 (0x6)

This mode is not supported on ODrive v3.x.

CAN_A = 7 (0x7)

See config.enable_can_a.

I2C_A = 8 (0x8)

See config.enable_i2c_a.

SPI_A = 9 (0x9)

Note that the SPI pins on ODrive v3.x are hardwired so they cannot be configured through software. Consequently

PWM = 10 (0xA)

See PWM input.

ENC0 = 11 (0xB)

The pin is used by quadrature encoder 0.

ENC1 = 12 (0xC)

The pin is used by quadrature encoder 1.

ENC2 = 13 (0xD)

This mode is not supported on ODrive v3.x.

MECH_BRAKE = 14 (0xE)

This is to support external mechanical brakes.

STATUS = 15 (0xF)

The pin is used for status output (see axis.config.error_gpio_pin)

BRAKE_RES = 16 (0x10)

The pin is used to control a brake resistor board.

AUTO = 17 (0x11)

Let the ODrive decide how to use the pin. If multiple components try to use the same pin only one of them will be initialized and the other one will have a status of kBadConfig.

class ODrive.StreamProtocolType
FIBRE = 0 (0x0)

Deprecated. For machine-to-machine communication it is recommended to use CAN bus instead.

ASCII = 1 (0x1)

Human readable protocol designed for easy implementation for cases where the use of libfibre is not desired or feasible. Refer to this page ` for details.

STDOUT = 2 (0x2)

Output of printf(). Only intended for developers who modify ODrive firmware.


Combination of Ascii and Stdout.

OTHER = 4 (0x4)


class ODrive.ComponentStatus
NOMINAL = 0 (0x0)
NO_RESPONSE = 1 (0x1)
OVERSPEED = 11 (0xB)
BAD_CONFIG = 13 (0xD)
NOT_ENABLED = 14 (0xE)
class ODrive.Error

The system is initializing or reconfiguring.

SYSTEM_LEVEL = 2 (0x2)

Unexpected system error such as memory corruption, stack overflow, frozen thread, assert fail etc. This error is indicates firmware bug.

TIMING_ERROR = 4 (0x4)

An internal hard timing requirement was violated. This usually means that the device is computationally overloaded, either due to a specific user configuration or due to a firmware bug. This error should not occur during normal operation and can be considered similar to SYSTEM_ERROR.


The position estimate, velocity estimate or phase estimate was needed but invalid. This can mean:

  • The encoder has not been calibrated. Consult the documentation to see how to calibrate various encoder types.

  • Absolute position control was used before the axis was homed.

  • One of the active encoders is misbehaving or disconnected. Check the error information of all enabled encoders to see if this is the case.

BAD_CONFIG = 16 (0x10)

The ODrive configuration is invalid or incomplete. If you configured the ODrive through the GUI, this indicates a bug in the GUI.

Please verify the following:

  • axis.config.motor.direction is -1 or +1

  • axis.config.torque_soft_min <= axis.config.torque_soft_max

  • config.enable_brake_resistor = False or config.brake_resistor0.resistance > 0

  • axis.config.motor.phase_resistance and axis.config.motor.phase_inductance are valid, axis.config.motor.phase_resistance_valid = True and, axis.config.motor.phase_inductance_valid = True

DRV_FAULT = 32 (0x20)

The gate driver chip reported an error.

If this keeps occurring during normal operation within the device’s specified operating conditions this can indicate hardware damage.

MISSING_INPUT = 64 (0x40)

No value was provided for input_pos, input_vel or input_torque.

This typically happens when using RC PWM as input and entering AxisState.CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL before any pulse was registered. Make sure the PWM input is configured and connected correctly.

DC_BUS_OVER_VOLTAGE = 256 (0x100)

The DC voltage exceeded the limit configured in config.dc_bus_overvoltage_trip_level.

Confirm that you have a brake resistor of the correct value connected securely and that config.brake_resistor0.resistance is set to the value of your brake resistor.

You can monitor your PSU voltage using liveplotter in odrivetool by entering start_liveplotter(lambda: [odrv0.vbus_voltage]). If during a move you see the voltage rise above your PSU’s nominal set voltage then you have your brake resistance set too low. This may happen if you are using long wires or small gauge wires to connect your brake resistor to your odrive which will added extra resistance. This extra resistance needs to be accounted for to prevent this voltage spike. If you have checked all your connections you can also try increasing your brake resistance by ~ 0.01 ohm at a time to a maximum of 0.05 greater than your brake resistor value.

DC_BUS_UNDER_VOLTAGE = 512 (0x200)

The DC voltage fell below the limit configured in config.dc_bus_undervoltage_trip_level.

Confirm that your power leads are connected securely. For initial testing a 12V PSU which can supply a couple of amps should be sufficient while the use of low current ‘wall wart’ plug packs may lead to inconsistent behaviour and is not recommended.

You can monitor your PSU voltage using liveplotter in odrivetool by entering start_liveplotter(lambda: [odrv0.vbus_voltage]). If you see your votlage drop below config.dc_bus_undervoltage_trip_level (default: ~ 8V) then you will trip this error. Even a relatively small motor can draw multiple kW momentary and so unless you have a very large PSU or are running of a battery you may encounter this error when executing high speed movements with a high current limit. To limit your PSU power draw you can limit your motor current and/or velocity limit <axis>.controller.config.vel_limit and <axis>.config.motor.current_soft_max.

DC_BUS_OVER_CURRENT = 1024 (0x400)

Too much DC current was pulled, either at the motor level or at the board level (these two are identical for boards that don’t support a brake resistor).


Too much DC current was regenerated, either at the motor level or at the board level (these two are identical for boards that don’t support a brake resistor).

This can happen if your brake resistor is unable to handle the braking current. Check that (V_power_supply / brake_resistance) > <axis>.config.motor.current_hard_max.


The motor current exceeded <axis>.config.motor.current_hard_max. or config.inverterN.current_hard_max.

The current controller tries not to exceed <axis>.config.motor.current_soft_max, however a bit of overshoot is normal. Therefore, if you get this error, try to increase the margin between the soft and hard current limits.

If you have to increase the margin to more than 40% then something else might be wrong, for instance the motor could be damaged or the current controller might be unstable.

The current controller is a PI controller and its PI gains are automatically calculated based on config.motor.current_control_bandwidth and the motor resistance and inductance (pole placement). If you suspect an unstable current controller, make sure to review these variables.

MOTOR_OVER_TEMP = 8192 (0x2000)

The motor thermistor measured a temperature above motor.motor_thermistor.config.temp_limit_upper

INVERTER_OVER_TEMP = 16384 (0x4000)

The inverter thermistor measured a temperature above motor.fet_thermistor.config.temp_limit_upper


The estimated velocity exceeds vel_limit_tolerance * vel_limit

WATCHDOG_TIMER_EXPIRED = 16777216 (0x1000000)

The axis watchdog timer expired.

An amount of time greater than config.watchdog_timeout passed without the watchdog being fed.

ESTOP_REQUESTED = 33554432 (0x2000000)
An estop was requested from an external source. This can mean:
  • The estop message was received on CAN

  • An endstop was pressed

SPINOUT_DETECTED = 67108864 (0x4000000)

A discrepancy between electrical power and mechanical power has been detected, indicating a spinout situation. See Spinout Detection for details.

BRAKE_RESISTOR_DISARMED = 134217728 (0x8000000)

Another component (axis or brake resistor) on the ODrive failed. Most commonly this error indicates that the brake resistor was disarmed (e.g. during an undervoltage condition) and can be rectified by fixing the root cause (e.g. undervoltage condition) and then clearing errors.

THERMISTOR_DISCONNECTED = 268435456 (0x10000000)

The motor thermistor is enabled but disconnected. This is determined by the analog voltage lying too close to 0V or 3.3V.

CALIBRATION_ERROR = 1073741824 (0x40000000)

A calibration procedure failed. See procedure_result for details.

class ODrive.ProcedureResult
SUCCESS = 0 (0x0)

The procedure finished without any faults.

BUSY = 1 (0x1)

The procedure has not yet finished.

CANCELLED = 2 (0x2)

The last procedure was cancelled by the user.

DISARMED = 3 (0x3)

A fault was encountered and the axis has been disarmed. See disarm_reason for more info.

NO_RESPONSE = 4 (0x4)

The procedure component did not respond as expected

Most likely due to an improperly connected/configured encoder.

  • Verify the encoder configuration matches the hardware

  • Check that the encoder is powered and all signals are connected correctly


The values of config.motor.pole_pairs and/or inc_encoder0.config.cpr do not corroborate the measured rotations. Please verify these settings match the hardware.

For details, see observed_encoder_scale_factor.


If not using an incremental encoder the cpr value is not used and can be ignored


The measured motor phase resistance is outside of the plausible range or bad calibration parameters were used.

During calibration the motor resistance and inductance is measured. If the measured motor resistance or inductance falls outside a predefined range, either PHASE_RESISTANCE_OUT_OF_RANGE or PHASE_INDUCTANCE_OUT_OF_RANGE will be returned. Check that all motor leads are connected securely.

These errors can also indicate that resistance_calib_max_voltage is outside of the feasible range (see below).

The measured values can be viewed using odrivetool as is shown below:

In [2]: odrv0.axis0.config.motor.phase_inductance
Out[2]: 1.408751450071577e-05
In [3]: odrv0.axis0.config.motor.phase_resistance
Out[3]: 0.029788672924041748

Some motors will have a considerably different phase resistance and inductance than this. For example, gimbal motors, some small motors (e.g. < 10A peak current). If you think this applies to you try increasing config.motor.resistance_calib_max_voltage from its default value of 1 and repeat the motor calibration process. Increasing this value beyond the feasible range (around half of DC voltage) has no effect. Therefore, if you maxed out config.motor.resistance_calib_max_voltage and still get calibration errors, try reducing config.motor.calibration_current.

If your motor has a small peak current rating (e.g. < 20A) you should also decrease config.motor.calibration_current from its default value of 10A.

In general, you need:


The measured motor phase inductance is outside of the plausible range or bad calibration parameters were used.



The motor phase resistances are not balanced. Please check your connections.


The value of ...config.motor.motor_type is not defined in the MotorType enum.


During hall encoder calibration the ODrive detected too many bad hall states. Make sure your encoder is wired correctly and produces a clean signal.

TIMEOUT = 11 (0xB)

Homing was requested without enabling the endstop. Make sure <axis>.min_endstop.config.enabled <ODrive.Endstop.Config>enabled is True.


The requested state must be a valid AxisState.


The requested state could not be entered because the axis is not calibrated.

The required calibrations depend on the axis configuration, the requested state and the requested control mode.

The most common cause for this error is requesting AxisState.CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL before first running AxisState.MOTOR_CALIBRATION and AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION.


The calibration did not converge.

The measurements made during a calibration task did not reach sufficient statistical significance.

For instance during AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION the encoder did not move sufficiently to determine the direction between encoder and motor.

Try changing the calibration parameters.

class ODrive.EncoderId
NONE = 0 (0x0)
INC_ENCODER0 = 1 (0x1)
INC_ENCODER1 = 2 (0x2)
INC_ENCODER2 = 3 (0x3)
SPI_ENCODER0 = 5 (0x5)
SPI_ENCODER1 = 6 (0x6)
SPI_ENCODER2 = 7 (0x7)
HALL_ENCODER0 = 8 (0x8)
HALL_ENCODER1 = 9 (0x9)
RS485_ENCODER0 = 10 (0xA)
RS485_ENCODER1 = 11 (0xB)
RS485_ENCODER2 = 12 (0xC)
class ODrive.SpiEncoderMode
DISABLED = 0 (0x0)

Disable this encoder instance

RLS = 1 (0x1)


Compatible encoders:
AMS = 2 (0x2)
Compatible encoders:
CUI = 3 (0x3)
Compatible encoders:
AEAT = 4 (0x4)


Compatible encoders:
MA732 = 5 (0x5)
Compatible encoders:
TLE = 6 (0x6)


Compatible encoders:
BISSC = 7 (0x7)


Compatible encoders:
class ODrive.Rs485EncoderMode
DISABLED = 0 (0x0)

Disable this encoder instance

AMT21_POLLING = 1 (0x1)

Standard CUI AMT21 protocol

Compatible encoders:

Not compatible with AMT21xB-V-OD sold on the ODrive shop (see AMT21_EVENT_DRIVEN instead).

The standard AMT21 variants are not recommended for high-RPM applications due to aliasing issues.

AMT21_EVENT_DRIVEN = 2 (0x2)

ODrive customized AMT21 protocol

Only compatible with AMT21 encoder variants sold through ODrive.

ODrive variants of the AMT21 use a customized protocol to avoid aliasing issues that can occur at high RPM and could otherwise cause the current controller to go unstable and lead to current limit violation faults.

Compatible encoders:
MBS = 3 (0x3)
ODRIVE_OA1 = 4 (0x4)
Compatible encoders:
class ODrive.MotorType
HIGH_CURRENT = 0 (0x0)

Used for all standard “hobby-style” motors Permanant Magnet AC (PMAC) or Brushless DC (BLDC) motors. This is the default. Note: Assumes sinusoidal back-EMF, “wye” connected motors. Trapezoidal bEMF may have reduced controllability.

GIMBAL = 2 (0x2)

Enables voltage-only FOC where V=IR can be assumed to be correct. Used for high-phase-resistance motors (> 1 ohm), which are typically sold as “Gimbal” motors.

ACIM = 3 (0x3)

Used for FOC control of AC Induction Motors (ACIM), aka Asynchronous motors,

class ODrive.SystemStats.Usb
rx_cnt: Uint32Property
tx_cnt: Uint32Property
tx_overrun_cnt: Uint32Property
class ODrive.SystemStats.I2C
addr: Uint8Property
addr_match_cnt: Uint32Property
rx_cnt: Uint32Property
error_cnt: Uint32Property
class ODrive.Can.Error
BUS_OFF = 2 (0x2)
LOW_LEVEL = 4 (0x4)
class ODrive.Can.Config
baud_rate: Uint32Property

The baudrate of the CAN bus. Only compatible baudrates are accepted.

  • The baudrate must be an integer divisor of 10M.

  • The baudrate must not exceed 1Mbps (limitation of CAN classic).

Supported baudrates are for example: 10k, 40k, 125k, 250k, 500k, 1M.

For CAN-FD frames, this is the baudrate of the arbitration phase while data_baud_rate is the baudrate of the data phase.

Changes take effect immediately.

data_baud_rate: Uint32Property


The baudrate of the data phase of CAN-FD messages.

This value is only relevant for:

  • incoming CAN-FD (as opposed to CAN Classic) messages that have the BRS (Bit Rate Switch) flag set.

  • outgoing CAN messages if tx_brs is set to True.

If both of these cases don’t occur in your application, you can ignore this parameter.

Only compatible baudrates are accepted.

  • The data baudrate must be an integer divisor of 10M.

  • The data baudrate must not exceed the hardware specs in the datasheet (Pro, S1, Micro).

Supported data baudrates are for example: 1M, 2.5M, 5M, 10M (ODrive Pro only).

Changes take effect immediately.

tx_brs: Uint32Property


If true, the ODrive sends all CAN messages as CAN-FD frames with the BRS (Bit Rate Switch) flag set and using data_baud_rate in the data phase. If false, CAN messages are sent as CAN Classic frames.

Changes take effect immediately.

protocol: Property[ODrive.Can.Protocol]

Specifies which protocol is running on the CAN interface. If no protocol is enabled, the CAN interface is disabled.

Changes take effect immediately.

class ODrive.Can.Protocol
SIMPLE = 1 (0x1)
class ODrive.Axis.Config
startup_max_wait_for_ready: [sec] - Float32Property

Maximum time to wait for active_errors_ to go clear before trying to start any of the startup actions. Default 3 seconds.

startup_motor_calibration: BoolProperty

Run motor calibration at startup, skip otherwise

Run encoder index search after startup, skip otherwise this only has an effect if commutation_mapper.config.use_index_gpio is also true

startup_encoder_offset_calibration: BoolProperty

Run encoder offset calibration after startup, skip otherwise

startup_closed_loop_control: BoolProperty

Enable closed loop control after calibration/startup

startup_homing: BoolProperty

Enable homing after calibration/startup

init_torque: [Nm] - Float32Property

Initial torque setpoint (or feed-forward) that will be applied when axis is put into closed loop control

init_vel: [rev/s] - Float32Property

Initial velocity setpoint (or feed-forward) that will be applied when axis is put into closed loop control

init_pos: [rev] - Float32Property

Initial position setpoint that will be applied when axis is put into closed loop control. NaN to use current position estimate as initialization value of position setpoint.

enable_step_dir: BoolProperty

Enable step/dir input after calibration. Make sure to set the corresponding GPIO’s mode to GpioMode.DIGITAL.

step_dir_always_on: BoolProperty

Keep step/dir enabled while the motor is disabled. This is ignored if enable_step_dir is false. This setting only takes effect on a state transition into idle or out of closed loop control.

calib_range: Float32Property
calib_scan_distance: [erev] - Float32Property

Sets the distance the motor will move during AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION

This value is specified in electrical revolutions, meaning that it must be divided by the number of motor pole pairs to get the distance in motor turns.

To reverse the scan direction, set calib_scan_vel and calib_scan_distance to a negative value.

calib_scan_vel: [erev/s] - Float32Property

Sets the velocity for AxisState.ENCODER_OFFSET_CALIBRATION

This value is specified with respect to electrical revolutions, meaning that it must be divided by the number of motor pole pairs to get the velocity with respect to motor turns.

To reverse the scan direction, set calib_scan_vel and calib_scan_distance to a negative value.

index_search_at_target_vel_only: BoolProperty
watchdog_timeout: [sec] - Float32Property
enable_watchdog: BoolProperty

Enables the watchdog for this axis.

When the watchdog expires (after config.watchdog_timeout), the axis is put into AxisState.IDLE. The watchdog can be reset by the function axis.watchdog_feed(), by certain UART commands (see ASCII Protocol) or by CAN messages (see Watchdog).

step_gpio_pin: Uint16Property
dir_gpio_pin: Uint16Property
error_gpio_pin: Uint16Property
enable_error_gpio: BoolProperty
calibration_lockin: ODrive.Axis.Config.CalibrationLockin
sensorless_ramp: ODrive.Axis.LockinConfig
general_lockin: ODrive.Axis.LockinConfig
can: ODrive.Axis.CanConfig

All CAN configuration settings take effect immediately.

load_encoder: Property[ODrive.EncoderId]

Specifies which encoder will be used as the load encoder

The load encoder is what determines pos_estimate and by default also vel_estimate.

commutation_encoder: Property[ODrive.EncoderId]

Specifies which encoder will be used as the commutation encoder

The commutation encoder is what determines how the magnetic field will be oriented in the motor.

encoder_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

Bandwidth of the axis (primary) encoder state estimator

Sets the bandwidth of the load encoder estimator and by default also the commutation encoder estimator.

See also commutation_encoder_bandwidth.

Changes take effect immediately.

commutation_encoder_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

Bandwidth of the commutation encoder state estimator

Sets the bandwidth of the commutation encoder.

If NAN or only one encoder is used (load_encoder and commutation_encoder are equal), this value is ignored and encoder_bandwidth is used to define the commutation estimator bandwidth.

Changes take effect immediately.

I_bus_hard_min: [Amp] - Float32Property

If the controller fails to keep this motor’s DC current (axis.motor.alpha_beta_frame_controller.I_bus) above this value the motor gets disarmed immediately. Most likely you want a negative value here. Set to -inf to disable. Take noise into account when choosing a value.

I_bus_hard_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

If the controller fails to keep this motor’s DC current (axis.motor.alpha_beta_frame_controller.I_bus) below this value the motor gets disarmed immediately. Usually this is set in conjunction with I_bus_hard_min. Set to inf to disable. Take noise into account when choosing a value.

I_bus_soft_min: [Amp] - Float32Property

Negative limit of the DC current allowed to regenerate into the power supply

This limit is relevant while braking (as opposed to motoring). When this limit is reached, the ODrive reduces the torque with which it is braking to stay within the DC current limit.

Note: DC current is different from the motor current.

Must be negative. Set to -INFINITY to disable this limit. Changes take effect immediately.

I_bus_soft_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

Positive limit of the DC current allowed to be pulled from the power supply

This limit is relevant while motoring (as opposed to braking). When this limit is reached, the ODrive reduces the torque with which it is motoring to stay within the DC current limit.

Note: DC current is different from the motor current.

Must be positive. Set to INFINITY to disable. Changes take effect immediately.

P_bus_soft_min: [W] - Float32Property

Negative limit of the DC power allowed to regenerate into the power supply

This limit is relevant while braking (as opposed to motoring). When this limit is reached, the ODrive reduces the torque with which it is braking to stay within the DC power limit.

Must be negative. Set to -INFINITY to disable this limit. Changes take effect immediately.

P_bus_soft_max: [W] - Float32Property

Positive limit of the DC power allowed to be pulled from the power supply

This limit is relevant while motoring (as opposed to braking). When this limit is reached, the ODrive reduces the torque with which it is motoring to stay within the DC power limit.

Must be positive. Set to INFINITY to disable. Changes take effect immediately.

torque_soft_min: [Nm] - Float32Property

Minimum negative commanded torque allowed in the torque loop. This is usually a negative number.

torque_soft_max: [Nm] - Float32Property

Maximum positive commanded torque allowed in the torque loop. If you set this, in all likelihood you also want to set torque_soft_min.

motor: ODrive.Axis.Config.Motor
anticogging: ODrive.AnticoggingConfig
class ODrive.Axis.TaskTimes
thermistor_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
sensorless_estimator_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
endstop_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
can_heartbeat: ODrive.TaskTimer
controller_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
open_loop_vector_generator_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
acim_estimator_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
motor_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
current_controller_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
current_sense: ODrive.TaskTimer
pwm_update: ODrive.TaskTimer
class ODrive.Axis.LockinConfig
initial_pos: [erev] - Float32Property

Sets the electrical angle at which the lockin spin starts. In most cases this can be left at zero.

current: [Amp] - Float32Property
ramp_time: [sec] - Float32Property
ramp_distance: [erev] - Float32Property
accel: [erev/s^2] - Float32Property
vel: [erev/s] - Float32Property
finish_distance: [erev] - Float32Property
finish_on_vel: BoolProperty
finish_on_distance: BoolProperty
class ODrive.Axis.CanConfig
node_id: Uint32Property

CAN node ID of the ODrive

See also: CAN Protocol Overview.

Allowed IDs are 0 … 63, where 63 (0x3f) serves as a special broadcast/unaddressed value. See Broadcast and Discovery & Addressing for details. Defaults to 0x3f.

Bit 31 of node_id specifies the ID type:
  • If bit 31 is 0, the ODrive listens for 11-bit standard message IDs.

  • If bit 31 is 1, the ODrive listens for 29-bit extended message IDs.

Changes to this config take effect immediately.

version_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
heartbeat_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
encoder_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
iq_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
error_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
temperature_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
bus_voltage_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
torques_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
powers_msg_rate_ms: Uint32Property
input_vel_scale: [counts/(rev/s)] - Uint32Property

Scale of the Vel_FF field in Set_Input_Pos.

Defaults to 1000.

input_torque_scale: [counts/Nm] - Uint32Property

Scale of the Torque_FF field in Set_Input_Pos.

Defaults to 1000.

class ODrive.Axis.AxisState
UNDEFINED = 0 (0x0)

will fall through to idle

IDLE = 1 (0x1)

Disable motor PWM and do nothing.


Run the startup procedure.

the actual sequence is defined by the config.startup… flags


Run motor calibration and then encoder offset calibration (or encoder index search if commutation.config.use_index_gpio is True).


Measure phase resistance and phase inductance of the motor.

Turn the motor in one direction until the encoder index is traversed.

This state can only be entered if commutation.config.use_index_gpio is True).


Turn the motor in one direction for a few seconds and then back to measure the offset between the encoder position and the electrical phase.

Can only be entered if the motor is calibrated:


Run closed loop control.

  • The action depends on the controller.config.control_mode.

Can only be entered if the motor is calibrated:

LOCKIN_SPIN = 9 (0x9)

Run lockin spin.

Can only be entered if the motor is calibrated:


Run encoder direction search.

Can only be entered if the motor is calibrated:

HOMING = 11 (0xB)

Run axis homing function.

Endstops must be enabled to use this feature.


Rotate the motor in lockin and calibrate hall polarity

ODrive assumes 120 degree electrical hall spacing. This routine determines if that is the case and sets the polarity if the halls are on 60 degree electrical spacing


Rotate the motor for 30s to calibrate hall sensor edge offsets

The phase offset is not calibrated at this time, so the map is only relative


Calibrate the anticogging algorithm.

This spins the motor for a duration of calib_coarse_tuning_duration + calib_fine_tuning_duration + 1 seconds to learn the cogging map of the motor.

The previous cogging map is cleared as soon as a new anticogging calibration is started. If the calibration is cancelled or fails, the cogging map is left in a half-calibrated state.

To keep the cogging map across reboots, the configuration must be saved.

class ODrive.Axis.Config.CalibrationLockin
current: Float32Property
ramp_time: Float32Property
ramp_distance: Float32Property
accel: Float32Property
vel: Float32Property
class ODrive.Axis.Config.Motor
motor_type: Property[ODrive.MotorType]
pole_pairs: Uint32Property

Number of magnet pole pairs in the motor’s rotor.

This is the number of magnet poles in the rotor, divided by two. This is not the same as the number of coils in the stator.

To find this, you can simply count the number of permanent magnets in the rotor, if you can see them.

Otherwise a good way to find the number of pole pairs is with a current limited power supply. Connect any two of the three phases to a power supply outputting around 2A, spin the motor by hand, and count the number of detents. This will be the number of pole pairs. If you can’t distinguish the detents from the normal cogging present when the motor is disconnected, increase the current.

Another way is sliding a loose magnet in your hand around the rotor, and counting how many times it stops. This will be the number of pole pairs. If you use a ferrous piece of metal instead of a magnet, you will get the number of magnet poles.

phase_resistance: [Ohm] - Float32Property
phase_inductance: [Henry] - Float32Property
phase_resistance_valid: BoolProperty

Indicates whether phase resistance is valid. This flag is automatically set to true after successful motor calibration. It can also be set manually if phase_resistance is set manually. The motor will not spin unless this is true.

phase_inductance_valid: BoolProperty

Indicates whether phase_resistance and phase_inductance are valid. This flag is automatically set to true after successful motor calibration. It can also be set manually if phase_inductance is set manually. The motor will not spin unless this is true.

torque_constant: [Nm / A] - Float32Property

Torque constant of the motor.

This is the ratio of torque produced by the motor per Amp of current delivered to the motor. This should be set to 8.27 / (motor KV).

If you decide that you would rather command torque in units of Amps, you could simply set the torque constant to 1.

if you are using position or velocity control and tuning the gains manually, then a ballpark value is sufficient, as error can be absorbed into the gain.

direction: Float32Property

Direction of the motor (+1 or -1) with respect to the axis position space. This affects the spin direction of calibration procedures.

current_control_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

Sets the PI gains of the Q and D axis FOC control according to phase_resistance and phase_inductance to create a critically-damped controller with a -3dB bandwidth at this frequency.

wL_FF_enable: BoolProperty

Enables automatic feedforward of the R and omega*L term in the current controller.

bEMF_FF_enable: BoolProperty

Enables automatic feedforward of the bEMF term in the current controller.

ff_pm_flux_linkage: Float32Property

Flux linkage of the motor, used by the motor model.

Commonly called “lambda” in literature.

By default the back-EMF feedforward term assumes a flux linkage of: flux_linkage = 2/3 * torque_constant / pole_pairs which is equivalent to flux_linkage = 5.51328895422 / (pole_pairs * motor_kv)

This default can be overriden by specifying this parametter and setting (ff_pm_flux_linkage_valid = True).

ff_pm_flux_linkage_valid: BoolProperty
motor_model_l_d: [Henry] - Float32Property

d-axis phase inductance of the motor, used by the motor model

If specified (motor_model_l_dq_valid = True), overrides the d-axis phase inductance used by the motor model (feedforward and field weakening). This does not affect the current controller gains. If left empty (motor_model_l_dq_valid = False) phase_inductance is used instead.

motor_model_l_q: [Henry] - Float32Property

q-axis phase inductance of the motor, used by the motor model

If specified (motor_model_l_dq_valid = True), overrides the q-axis phase inductance used by the motor model (feedforward and field weakening). This does not affect the current controller gains. If left empty (motor_model_l_dq_valid = False) phase_inductance is used instead.

motor_model_l_dq_valid: BoolProperty
calibration_current: Float32Property

The current used to measure resistance during AxisState.MOTOR_CALIBRATION.

resistance_calib_max_voltage: Float32Property

The maximum voltage allowed during AxisState.MOTOR_CALIBRATION.

This should be set to less than (0.5 * vbus_voltage), but high enough to satisfy V=IR during motor calibration, where I is config.calibration_current and R is config.phase_resistance

current_soft_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

Maximum commanded current allowed for this motor. There is a separate limit current_soft_max that pertains to the ODrive’s power stage.

current_hard_max: [Amp] - Float32Property

Maximum measured current allowed. Any measurement above current_hard_max will throw a CURRENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION error. Changing this variable can lead to reconfiguration of low level hardware at the next opportunity (when the axis is in IDLE). This will incur a 0.7s delay until the axis can be activated again. There is a separate limit current_hard_max that pertains to the ODrive’s power stage.

current_slew_rate_limit: [Amp/s] - Float32Property

Maximum slew rate for the current setpoint.

Must be strictly positive.

fw_enable: BoolProperty
fw_mod_setpoint: Float32Property
fw_fb_bandwidth: Float32Property
acim_gain_min_flux: Float32Property
acim_autoflux_enable: BoolProperty
acim_autoflux_min_Id: Float32Property
acim_autoflux_attack_gain: Float32Property
acim_autoflux_decay_gain: Float32Property
acim_nominal_slip_vel: [Hz] - Float32Property

1/(2*pi*rotor_tau), where rotor_tau is time constant of the rotor (L_r/R_r)

sensorless_observer_gain: [1/s] - Float32Property
sensorless_pll_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property
sensorless_pm_flux_linkage: Float32Property

Flux linkage of the motor, used by the sensorless estimator.

By default the sensorless estimator derives the motor flux linkage as: flux_linkage = 2/3 * torque_constant / pole_pairs which is equivalent to flux_linkage = 5.51328895422 / (pole_pairs * motor_kv)

This default can be overriden by specifying this parameter and setting (sensorless_pm_flux_linkage_valid = True).

sensorless_pm_flux_linkage_valid: BoolProperty
power_torque_report_filter_bandwidth: Float32Property

Filter bandwidth for reported torque and power estimates

Torque and power estimates can be filtered so they can be sampled at a lower rate.

This applies to torque_estimate, mechanical_power, electrical_power and loss_power.

Set to control_loop_hz (default) to disable the filter.

class ODrive.Motor.DcCalib
a_0: Float32Property
b_0: Float32Property
c_0: Float32Property
a_1: Float32Property
b_1: Float32Property
c_1: Float32Property
a_2: Float32Property
b_2: Float32Property
c_2: Float32Property
class ODrive.Mapper.Config
circular: BoolProperty
circular_output_range: Float32Property
scale: Float32Property
offset_valid: BoolProperty
offset: Float32Property
approx_init_pos_valid: BoolProperty

Forces pos_abs to initialize to approx_init_pos +- scale/2 on every startup.

By setting this to true, the user promises that the axis will always start up within +-0.5 encoder turns of approx_init_pos, in terms of the user’s reference frame. This can be used on axes that have a mechanically limited range of less than 360° or in other situations where the user can guarantee bounds on the startup position.

If absolute linear setpoints are used with an absolute encoder, this allows the axis to disambiguate its turn count on startup and thereby eliminates the need for homing.

Note that the +-0.5 turns tolerance refers to input space (encoder space), not user space.

approx_init_pos: Float32Property

The guaranteed approximate startup position (in the user reference frame). See approx_init_pos_valid for details.

index_offset_valid: BoolProperty
index_offset: Float32Property
use_index_gpio: BoolProperty

Listen for index pulses even when not explicitly running index search and even when the motor is disarmed. In case the index pulse is fairly wide (low resolution encoders or hall effect sensors), care must be taken as to which direction the motor is spun to register the index. Once the index is found (either by manually moving the motor or by running ENCODER_INDEX_SEARCH), the search is disabled.

Requires a reboot to take effect.

index_gpio: Uint8Property
use_endstop: BoolProperty
class ODrive.Rs485Encoder.Config
mode: Property[ODrive.Rs485EncoderMode]
class ODrive.IncrementalEncoder.Config
enabled: BoolProperty
cpr: Uint32Property

Counts per revolution of the encoder. This is 4x the Pulse Per Revolution (PPR) value. Usually this is indicated in the datasheet of your encoder.

class ODrive.HallEncoder.Config
enabled: BoolProperty
hall_polarity: Uint8Property
hall_polarity_calibrated: BoolProperty
ignore_illegal_hall_state: BoolProperty
edges_calibrated: BoolProperty
edge0: Float32Property
edge1: Float32Property
edge2: Float32Property
edge3: Float32Property
edge4: Float32Property
edge5: Float32Property
class ODrive.SpiEncoder.Config
ncs_gpio: Uint8Property
mode: Property[ODrive.SpiEncoderMode]
delay: [sec] - Float32Property

Delay of the position reading of the encoder. The position reading is forward-projected based on the velocity estimate and this value.

max_error_rate: Float32Property

Maximum packet error rate

Increasing this value allows the motor to continue operating even if some SPI responses are corrupted (e.g. bad parity bit). However it also leads to slower reaction in case the encoder is disconnected.

baudrate: [Hz] - Uint32Property


Maximum SCLK frequency

The actual selected baudrate will usually be lower than this and depend on the nearest clock prescaler setting.

It is recommended to leave this value at its default.

Setting this value too low can lead to missed control deadline errors because the transfer takes too long. Setting this value too high can lead to bad signal integrity, especially on long wires with high capacitance.

Requires a reboot to take effect.

biss_c_bits: Uint8Property


Number of bits in singleturn section of BiSS-C packet

class ODrive.Interpolator.Config
dynamic: BoolProperty
class ODrive.OffboardThermistorCurrentLimiter.Config
gpio_pin: Uint16Property

GPIO on which the thermistor is connected.

By default, this points to the GPIO that is designated “THERMISTOR+” in the pinout.

The special value 0x0100 (256) is used to refer to the OA1’s dedicated thermistor port. In this case, rs485_encoder_group0.config.mode must be set to ODRIVE_OA1, otherwise the temperature will read as NAN and the thermistor treated as disconnected.

r_ref: [Ohm] - Float32Property

Resistance of the thermistor at the reference temperature. Usually denoted R_25 in the thermistor’s datasheet.

t_ref: [Celcius] - Float32Property

Reference temperature corresponding to r_ref, in °C. Usually this is equal to 25°C and denoted T_25 in the thermistor’s datasheet.

beta: [Kelvin] - Float32Property

Beta (or B) value of the thermistor. Can be found in the thermistor’s datasheet.

temp_limit_lower: [Celcius] - Float32Property

The lower limit when the controller starts limiting current.

temp_limit_upper: [Celcius] - Float32Property

The upper limit when current limit reaches 0 Amps and an over temperature error is triggered.

enabled: BoolProperty

Whether this thermistor is enabled.

class ODrive.Controller.Config
enable_vel_limit: BoolProperty
enable_torque_mode_vel_limit: BoolProperty

Enable velocity limit in torque control mode (requires a valid velocity estimator).

enable_gain_scheduling: BoolProperty

Enable the experimental “gain scheduling” module, which reduces the pos_gain, vel_gain, and vel_integrator_gain according to the position error. Also known as “anti-hunt”

gain_scheduling_width: [turn] - Float32Property

Distance over which the gain scheduling operates.

enable_overspeed_error: BoolProperty

Enables the velocity controller’s overspeed error

control_mode: Property[ODrive.Controller.ControlMode]
input_mode: Property[ODrive.Controller.InputMode]
pos_gain: [(rev/s) / rev] - Float32Property
vel_gain: [Nm / (rev/s)] - Float32Property
vel_integrator_gain: [(Nm/s) / (rev/s)] - Float32Property
vel_integrator_limit: [Nm] - Float32Property

Limit the integrator output (independent of proportional gain output). Set to infinity to disable.

vel_limit: [rev/s] - Float32Property

Infinity to disable.

vel_limit_tolerance: Float32Property

Ratio to vel_limit. Infinity to disable. Must be larger than 1.

vel_ramp_rate: [rev/s^2] - Float32Property
torque_ramp_rate: [Nm/s] - Float32Property
circular_setpoints: BoolProperty
circular_setpoint_range: Float32Property

circular range in [turns] for position setpoints when circular_setpoints is True

absolute_setpoints: BoolProperty

False: Position setpoints are relative to the startup position.

True: Position setpoints are with respect to an absolute reference frame of some sort. See Position Reference Frame for available options. Attempts to enter position control will be rejected until the reference frame has been initialized (e.g. by completing a homing procedure).

Changes take effect immediately. The position setpoint is shifted when changing this value, to avoid unexpected axis motion.

use_commutation_vel: BoolProperty


When using two separate encoders for position control and commutation, this selects which of the two encoders is used for velocity control. If false, the position encoder is used, else the commutation encoder is used. commutation_vel_scale must be set accordingly.

use_load_encoder_for_commutation_vel: BoolProperty


When using two separate encoders for position control and commutation, this selects which of the two encoders is used for commutation (i.e. for estimating the phase velocity).

  • False (default): The commutation velocity is based on the commutation encoder.

  • True: The commutation velocity is based on the load encoder. commutation_vel_scale must be set accordingly.

Not supported in sensorless mode.

commutation_vel_scale: Float32Property


Defines the scale between load encoder and commutation encoder. Must be configured if use_commutation_vel or use_load_encoder_for_commutation_vel is true.

If the position encoder is mounted after a gearbox with a reduction ratio N:1, this variable must be set to 1/(pole_pairs*N) (positive or negative, depending on the setup).

steps_per_circular_range: Int32Property

Number of steps within the circular setpoint range. Set this and the circular setpoint range to powers of 2 for the best results.

homing_speed: [rev/s] - Float32Property

The speed at which the axis moves towards the min_endstop during AxisState.HOMING

inertia: [Nm / (rev/s^2)] - Float32Property
input_filter_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

The desired bandwidth for InputMode.POS_FILTER.

Sets the position filter’s P and I gains to emulate a critically-damped 2nd order mass-spring-damper motion.

spinout_mechanical_power_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

Bandwidth for mechanical power estimate. Used for spinout detection

spinout_electrical_power_bandwidth: [1/s] - Float32Property

Bandwidth for electrical power estimate. Used for spinout detection. Dot product of Vdq and Idq

spinout_mechanical_power_threshold: [Watt] - Float32Property

Mechanical power threshold for spinout detection. This should be a negative value

spinout_electrical_power_threshold: [Watt] - Float32Property

Electrical power threshold for spinout detection. This should be a positive value

class ODrive.Controller.Autotuning
frequency: [Hz] - Float32Property
pos_amplitude: [rev] - Float32Property
vel_amplitude: [rev/s] - Float32Property
torque_amplitude: [Nm] - Float32Property
vel_burst_factor: Uint8Property
class ODrive.Controller.ControlMode

Note: This mode is not used internally. For voltage-only FOC, use MotorType.GIMBAL


Uses only the inner torque control loop. Use input_torque to command desired torque. Note the setting config.motor.torque_constant. Note the setting enable_torque_mode_vel_limit.


Uses both the inner torque control loop and the velocity control loop. Use input_vel to command desired velocity, and input_torque.


Uses the inner torque loop, the velocity control loop, and the outer position control loop. Use input_pos to command desired position, input_vel to command velocity feed-forward, and input_torque for torque feed-forward.

class ODrive.Controller.InputMode
INACTIVE = 0 (0x0)

Disable inputs. Setpoints retain their last value.


Pass input_xxx through to xxx_setpoint directly.

Valid Inputs

Valid Control Modes

VEL_RAMP = 2 (0x2)

Ramps a velocity command from the current value to the target value.

Configuration Values

Valid Inputs

Valid Control Modes

POS_FILTER = 3 (0x3)

Implements a 2nd order position tracking filter.

Intended for use with step/dir interface, but can also be used with position-only commands.

Trapezoidal Planner Response

Result of a step command from 1000 to 0

Configuration Values

Valid Inputs

Valid Control Modes

MIX_CHANNELS = 4 (0x4)

Not Implemented.

TRAP_TRAJ = 5 (0x5)

Implementes an online trapezoidal trajectory planner.

Trapezoidal Planner Response

Configuration Values

Valid Inputs

Valid Control Modes

TORQUE_RAMP = 6 (0x6)

Ramp a torque command from the current value to the target value.

Configuration Values

Valid Inputs

Valid Control Modes

MIRROR = 7 (0x7)

Implements “electronic mirroring”.

not supported on ODrive Pro/S1

This is like electronic camming, but you can only mirror exactly the movements of the other motor, according to a fixed ratio.

Configuration Values

  • config.axis_to_mirror

  • config.mirror_ratio

Valid Inputs

  • None. Inputs are taken directly from the other axis encoder estimates

Valid Control Modes

TUNING = 8 (0x8)

Implements a tuning mode

Used for tuning your odrive, this mode allows the user to set different frequencies. Set control_mode for the loop you want to tune, then set the frequency desired. The ODrive will send a 1 turn amplitude sine wave to the controller with the given frequency and phase.

class ODrive.TrapezoidalTrajectory.Config
vel_limit: [rev/s] - Float32Property
accel_limit: [rev/s^2] - Float32Property
decel_limit: [rev/s^2] - Float32Property
class ODrive.SwitchInput.Config
gpio_num: Uint16Property

Make sure the corresponding GPIO is in GpioMode.DIGITAL or similar.

enabled: BoolProperty
offset: [rev] - Float32Property
is_active_high: BoolProperty

The polarity of the switch

Flipping this configuration is not considered as an edge. (e.g. flipping enable_pin.config.is_active_high does not lead to the ODrive inadvertently being enabled.)

debounce_ms: Uint32Property
class ODrive.MechanicalBrake.Config
gpio_num: Uint16Property
is_active_low: BoolProperty