The ODrive Web GUI allows for quick setup, interactive control and firmware updates of your ODrive directly from the browser.

Open Web GUI →


Frequent Issues

  • Only browsers with WebUSB support are supported (Chrome, Edge, Opera and other Chromium-based browsers). In particular, Firefox and Safari are not supported.

  • ODrive v3.6 is not supported by the Web GUI, neither are derived boards from vendors other than ODrive Robotics. All active ODrives sold on our web shop are supported.

  • Close all other programs that might be accessing the ODrive (GUI in another browser tab, odrivetool, custom Python scripts, …).

  • Windows: If you’ve used Zadig before, revert changes done by Zadig. Zadig is not required for ODrives other than 3.6 and can interfere with the GUI.

  • Windows: Go to “Device Manager” > “ODrive […] Native Interface” > right click > “Properties”. It should say “Device Type: WinUSB” or similar. If it says “libusb-win32” instead, click “Driver” > “Uninstall” and replug the device. There have been cases where Windows confuses newer ODrives for a previously connected ODrive v3.6, which can be the reason for the incorrect driver selection.

  • Linux: remember to set up the udev rules:

    sudo bash -c "curl https://cdn.odriverobotics.com/files/odrive-udev-rules.rules > /etc/udev/rules.d/91-odrive.rules && udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger"

    You must replug the device after this.

  • Ubuntu: AppArmor might deny the browser’s access to USB: Open “Ubuntu Software”, navigate to “Installed” > “Chrome” (or the browser you’re using) > “Permissions” and turn on “Access USB hardware directly”.

  • Brave browser: turn off Brave Shield. Brave Shield randomizes USB serial numbers, which is unexpected by the GUI and prevents it from working correctly.

Gather more info

If the tips above didn’t solve your issue, here are some more steps that can help isolate the problem. Please contact us for further help and include any diagnostics information that you gathered.

  • Check the browser log (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+J, macOS: Cmd+Option+J). You can export the whole log as text file by doing right-click > “Save as…” on the Console.

  • Check if the operating system recognizes the ODrive:

    • Windows: In the search bar, type “Device Manager” and open it. Enable “View” > “Show all devices”. Look for “ODrive Native Interface” under “Universal Serial Bus devices” or “Other devices”. If you can find it, right-click on it, open “Properties” and check which driver is installed (should be winusb.sys).

    • Linux: Run lsusb in a terminal. Also check for errors in the kernel log (sudo dmesg -w) while plugging in the device.

    • macOS: In Spotlight, type “System Information” and open it. Click on “USB” to see a list of all USB devices. Alternatively, run ioreg -p IOUSB from the Terminal.

  • In Chrome, navigate to chrome://device-log/ and check for log messages when you plug in the ODrive.

  • In Chrome, navigate to chrome://usb-internals/ > “Devices” and see if the ODrive shows up there.

  • Try with a different browser.

  • If possible, try on a different computer (and on a different operating system).